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UTC Compiegne


The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a public basic-research organization that defines its mission as producing knowledge and making it available to society. The CNRS has 25400 employees (among which 11470 researchers and 13930 engineers and technical and administrative staff). Its budget amounts to 15506 million francs (including VAT) for the year 1999. The 1300 CNRS service and research units are spread throughout the country and cover all fields of research. The CNRS is present in all major scientific disciplines: CNRS scientific departments and institutes encompass virtually all fields of knowledge.

The CNRS strives to develop collaboration between specialists from different fields of expertise. 19 regional offices all over France provide a real "hands-on" management and stimulate exchanges between local partners.

University of Technology of Compiègne

The actual work will be performed in main parts in the University of Technology of Compiègne. It forms together with two others technical universities a network: University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), Troyes (UTT), and Belfort - Montbéliard (UTBM).

Biomécanique et Génie Biomédicale, UMR CNRS 6600

The idea behind this relatively new branch at UTC is to form engineers with a mastery of biological processes which enable them to exploit such processes industrially, or to design equipment in the fields of medicine or the industries of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or food production. The branch of biological engineering consists of a number of possible lines of specialisation, with the free option of additional lines, as for example "BIOMATERIALS - BIOMECHANICS" : The program of this branch is based on the study of principal types of materials used in the medical field (metals, polymers, ceramics and composites), with respect to development, fabrication, resistance, corrosion, biomechanics and their adaptability to a biological environment of human tissues and organs (biocompatibility). Members of these groups are mechanical and electrical engineers, computer scientists, physiologists and biologists.

Contact Point: Prof. Reinhard Grebe